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Virus What am I?.

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Presentation on theme: "Virus What am I?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virus What am I?

2 Virus What am I?

3 Virus What am I?

4 Virus What am I?

5 Virus What am I?

6 Virus How do I spread?

7 Virus How do I spread?

8 Virus How do I spread?

9 Virus How do I spread?

10 Virus How do I spread?

11 What is my relationship between human behavior and me?
Virus What is my relationship between human behavior and me?

12 What is my relationship between human behavior and me?
Virus What is my relationship between human behavior and me?

13 What is my relationship between human behavior and me?
Virus What is my relationship between human behavior and me?

14 What is my relationship between human behavior and me?
Virus What is my relationship between human behavior and me?

15 What is my relationship between human behavior and me?
Virus What is my relationship between human behavior and me?

16 What is my relationship between human behavior and me?
Virus What is my relationship between human behavior and me?

17 What is my relationship between human behavior and me?
Virus What is my relationship between human behavior and me?

18 What do you know about viruses?
Think About the questions Pair Talk to your partner about the answers. Share Share with the class What is a virus? How do I spread? What is my relationship between human behavior and me? After starting the web presentation, allow one minute for thinking, talking and sharing.

19 Video Identify three new ideas about viruses
Show the video, either individually or on the TV/Projector Have them identify three new ideas about viruses on post it notes.


21 What could this symbol mean?
What could the title mean? Have the students read the table of contents Have them find the list of characters and glossary at the back of the book. Look at the map to determine the setting of the story. Have them read the first seven pages and then call on a student to discuss the author’s purpose.

22 New Questions you need answered.
As you read, open to address below and add your questions to “Web Response” Or Add your questions to post it notes.

23 QAR Strategy Right There: Think and Search: Author and you:
What is vomito Negro? Think and Search: What is the pattern of the virus’s effect on the body? Author and you: How does Monet’s experience in the emergency room relate to your own experiences in an emergency room or some other time when you needed swift attention? On Your Own: If you were seated next to a passenger with these symptoms, what would you do? Student read the following chapters- IPAD 42-62, book 14-24 Students share at the their desks.

24 E.coli and T4 phage After sharing have them put there stuff aside and prepare for the simulation.

25 Taking advantage of our social network
Virusbook Taking advantage of our social network Hand out the table for data,

26 Waiting for a flight

27 Procedures You must wear goggles at all times. Day 1:
Find a person from a different table. Ask each other a question about the story. Exchange 1 ml of water, if they did not know the answer, and ½ of ml of water if they did know the answer. Find another person and ask another question. Return to your desks and write down the names of the people you met.

28 Procedures You must wear goggles at all times. Day 2:
Find a person from a different table. Ask each other a question about the story. Exchange 1 ml of water, if they did not know the answer, and ½ of ml of water if they did know the answer. Find another person and ask another question. Return to your desks and write down the names of the people you met.

29 Infection

30 Did you contract the virus
One person in the Waiting room had the filovirus. Who had it? Did you have contact with that person? Did you have contact with that person indirectly? How can we be sure who has the virus? Have them figure out who the carrier could be. Discuss questions about the simulation and add questions to the poll.

31 Classify the questions
Right There Think and Search Author and You On Your Own Time to classify all the questions into the QAR

32 Search Pg 37-38; 62-67; 83-86; 98-100; 105-109; 117-118; 197-198
82-84; ; ; ; ; ;

33 Science @ Home Email me tonight your answers
1. What is a virus? 2. How do they spread? 3. How does human behavior affect the spread of viruses. 4. one question from the Classify QAR

34 Read 215-17 & 360-371 Read 350-354 & 567-584 Right There As you read…
What other ways can filovirus spread? As you read… Develop questions: Think and Search Author and you On Your Own Read &

35 EBOLA POSTER You will make a Ebola virus prevention poster.
It must include. Very few words, Pictures showing how to prevent the spread of the virus. It should not scare people, but be informative.


37 Structure 20 nm Genomes Ds DNA (Papo, adeno, herpes, pox)
Ss DNA (Parvo) Ds RNA (reovirus) Ss+ RNA (pico and toga) SS- RNA (Rhabdo,Paramyxo, Ortho) Retrorivus ss RNA

38 Structure Capsids Protein coats Phages

39 Structure Some viruses have structures have membranous envelopes that help them infect hosts These viral envelopes surround the capsids of influenza viruses and many other viruses found in animals Viral envelopes, which are derived from the host cell’s membrane, contain a combination of viral and host cell molecules

40 Membranous envelope Capsid RNA Glycoprotein 80–200 nm (diameter) 50 nm
LE 18-4c Membranous envelope Capsid RNA Glycoprotein 80–200 nm (diameter) 50 nm Influenza viruses

41 Bacteriophages, also called phages, are viruses that infect bacteria
They have the most complex capsids found among viruses Phages have an elongated capsid head that encloses their DNA A protein tailpiece attaches the phage to the host and injects the phage DNA inside

42 Head DNA Tail sheath Tail fiber 80  225 nm 50 nm Bacteriophage T4
LE 18-4d Head DNA Tail sheath Tail fiber 80  225 nm 50 nm Bacteriophage T4

43 LE 18-5 Entry into cell and uncoating of DNA VIRUS DNA Capsid Replication Transcription HOST CELL Viral DNA mRNA Viral DNA Capsid proteins Self-assembly of new virus particles and their exit from cell

44 Reproduction

45 I. Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) Adenovirus No Papovavirus
Class/Family Envelope Examples/Disease I. Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) Adenovirus No Respiratory diseases, animal tumors Papovavirus Papillomavirus (warts, cervical cancer): polyomavirus (animal tumors) Herpesvirus Yes Herpes simplex I and II (cold sores, genital sores); varicella zoster (shingles, chicken pox); Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis, Burkitt’s lymphoma) Poxvirus Smallpox virus, cowpox virus [NOTE TO PRODUCTION: PLEASE DO NOT include a jpeg of Table For better legibility, the table contents have been input as table text in slides 25, 26, 27, and 28.]

46 II. Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) Parvovirus No
Class/Family Envelope Examples/Disease II. Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) Parvovirus No B19 parvovirus (mild rash) III. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) Reovirus Rotavirus (diarrhea), Colorado tick fever virus [NOTE TO PRODUCTION: PLEASE DO NOT include a jpeg of Table For better legibility, the table contents have been input as table text in slides 25, 26, 27, and 28.]

47 IV. Single-stranded RNA (ssRNA); serves as mRNA Picornavirus No
Class/Family Envelope Examples/Disease IV. Single-stranded RNA (ssRNA); serves as mRNA Picornavirus No Rhinovirus (common cold); poliovirus, hepatitis A virus, and other enteric (intestinal) viruses Coronavirus Yes Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Flavivirus Yellow fever virus, West Nile virus, hepatitis C virus Togavirus Rubella virus, equine encephalitis viruses [NOTE TO PRODUCTION: PLEASE DO NOT include a jpeg of Table For better legibility, the table contents have been input as table text in slides 25, 26, 27, and 28.]

48 V. ssRNA; template for mRNA synthesis Filovirus Yes Orthomyxovirus
Class/Family Envelope Examples/Disease V. ssRNA; template for mRNA synthesis Filovirus Yes Ebola virus (hemorrhagic fever) Orthomyxovirus Influenza virus Paramyxovirus Measles virus; mumps virus Rhabdovirus Rabies virus VI. ssRNA; template for DNA synthesis Retrovirus HIV (AIDS); RNA tumor viruses (leukemia) [NOTE TO PRODUCTION: PLEASE DO NOT include a jpeg of Table For better legibility, the table contents have been input as table text in slides 25, 26, 27, and 28.]

49 Other Issues HIV and AIDS Viruses and Cancer Vaccines Plant Viruses
What’s New

50 Glycoprotein Viral envelope Capsid RNA (two identical strands) Reverse

51 The viral DNA that is integrated into the host genome is called a provirus
Unlike a prophage, a provirus remains a permanent resident of the host cell The host’s RNA polymerase transcribes the proviral DNA into RNA molecules The RNA molecules function both as mRNA for synthesis of viral proteins and as genomes for new virus particles released from the cell

52 LE 18-10 HOST CELL Reverse transcription Viral RNA RNA-DNA hybrid
Membrane of white blood cell HIV HOST CELL Reverse transcription Viral RNA RNA-DNA hybrid 0.25 µm HIV entering a cell DNA NUCLEUS Provirus Chromosomal DNA RNA genome for the next viral generation mRNA New HIV leaving a cell

53 Viral Diseases in Plants
More than 2,000 types of viral diseases of plants are known Some symptoms are spots on leaves and fruits, stunted growth, and damaged flowers or roots


55 Plant viruses spread disease in two major modes:
Horizontal transmission, entering through damaged cell walls Vertical transmission, inheriting the virus from a parent

56 Viroids and Prions: The Simplest Infectious Agents
Viroids are circular RNA molecules that infect plants and disrupt their growth Prions are slow-acting, virtually indestructible infectious proteins that cause brain diseases in mammals Prions propagate by converting normal proteins into the prion version Normal prion protein are water soluble. Prion’s not water soluble. CJD and Mad cow Diseases

57 LE 18-13 Original prion Prion Many prions New prion Normal protein

58 Evolution Evolution of viruses After first cells
Fragments of cellular nucleic acids Similar genomes to hosts oncoviruses Plasmids or Transposons Selfreplicating genetic material in bacteria and fungi

59 What’s new? Prion’s can evolve: Scripps Research Institute in 2010…
Each time the protein replicates they’re minor changes and errors. Any changes in the environment results in the best suited shapes multiplying faster.

60 What’s new? Prion’s found in Yeast and are a part of epigenetics
MIT 2011 Yeast prions affect RNA transcription that causes changes in the protein. Found in 255 of the 700 different species of yeast. May only be a yeast issue.

61 What’s new with viruses
8% of our DNA sequence has viral genomes 2000 Syncytin a viral protein part of the evolution of placental mammals. This protein fuses cells together; required in development of the placenta and fetus

62 The Story of Syncytin grows
Chimps gorillas and primates all have the same protein. found syncytin 1 and 2 part of pre-eclampsia Dangerous high blood pressure if synctin 1 or 2 not working. Syncytin 2 slow’s mother’s immunes system down so it does not attack the fetus. 2005 found syncytin in mice, and it is required for survival of the fetus. Mouse and primate syncytin different sequences, different virus.

63 The Story of Syncytin grows
Rabbits have an additional different syncytin sequence. This sequence not in their closely related cousins: the Pika. Conclusion: new Syncytin infected rabbits 30mya.

64 The Story of Syncytin grows
Syncytin in Carnivores

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