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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!

2 Why Self-Regulation? What is needed in order to learn?
Physical Needs Met Cognitive Abilities Opportunities Learning Self-Regulation Skills Social Skills

3 What is Self-Regulation?
- Ability to control thoughts and actions to achieve personal goals and respond to environmental factors. In a school setting: effective self-regulated learners stay on task, resist distractions, persist when tasks are difficult and respond to challenges appropriately.

4 What is Self-Regulation?
Self-regulation is the ability to manage your Energy levels Emotions Behaviours Attention …in ways that are socially acceptable and help achieve positive goals, such as maintaining good relationships, learning and maintaining wellbeing.

5 Kramer show self-regulation!

6 CRE, Spring 2013 1=Emerging (with direct support); 2=Developing (with guided support); 3=Applying (with minimal support); 4=Extending

7 Car analogy “My engine is running really fast, really slow or just right. Once I begin to understand my own arousal states I can learn to get to "Just Right" on my own. Asleep, drowsy, hypoalert Calm, alert, focused Hyperalert, “flooded”

8 Four Key Practices to Enhance Children’s Self-Regulation
BE A DETECTIVE Try to figure out your child's stressors, what helps the child stay calm and alert, what leaves a child hypo-or hyper-aroused? Asleep, drowsy, hypoalert Calm, alert, focused Hyperalert, “flooded”

9 EXERCISE For a child who wakes up irritable, exercise that works their deep muscles is very effective. Asleep, drowsy, hypoalert Calm, alert, focused Hyperalert, “flooded”

10 PLAY When play emerges from children's interests it will engage their focus. consider the perspectives of others and figure out what they are thinking. encourages communication about wants and fosters connections between objects, people & ideas. is a challenge that children can take on which requires self-direction in order to maintain.

11 MindUP Links cognitive neuroscience with mindful awareness and psychology: Improve focus, concentration, and academic performance Reduce stress and anxiety Handle peer-to-peer conflicts Manage emotions and reactions Develop greater empathy toward others Choose optimism

12 MindUP So far, our students have learned:
How their brain works and how being calm and alert helps them to think and learn How to do controlled breathing How to be mindful with our senses

13 Belly Breathe

14 References Canadian Self-Regulation Initiative MindUP Curriculum
MindUP Curriculum CASEL Socio-Emotional Learning Canadian Consortium for Self-Regulated Learning


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