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1st Grade Daily Phonics Element Routine

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1 1st Grade Daily Phonics Element Routine
Set 3 A. Siegel, committee, D. Mock, C. Carter ©Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012

2 Multisyllabic Blending Lesson 48 - Lesson 75
short a, e, i, o, u ow (cow), ou (out) ew, ue oo (zoo), oy oi, oo (book) aw, au all, ui y (baby) silent e ow (cow), ew, ee ee, ea (eat) ou (out), ue, oa ai, ay oy, oo (book), ea oa, ow (snow) aw, oo (zoo), ai igh oi, au, igh ie, y (sky) y (baby), ow (snow), silent e r-controlled vowels

3 a e i o u Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 48

4 sunset identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together sunset © Davis School District Farmington, UT

5 happen identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together happen © Davis School District Farmington, UT

6 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
sunset happen basket went sadden plan magnet discuss tablet comet upset trip Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

7 You cannot see the comet right after sunset.
We will discuss magnets soon. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

8 We will discuss magnets soon.
sunset happen basket went sadden plan magnet discuss tablet comet upset trip You cannot see the comet right after sunset. We will discuss magnets soon. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

9 a e i o u Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

10 a e i o u Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 49

11 picnic identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together picnic © Davis School District Farmington, UT

12 thickness identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together thickness © Davis School District Farmington, UT

13 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
picnic thickness backpack shell gumdrop dragon wish bathtub plant constant plastic contract Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

14 The plastic dragon is in a bathtub full of gumdrops.
He has the picnic lunch in his backpack. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

15 He has the picnic lunch in his backpack.
thickness backpack shell gumdrop dragon wish bathtub plant constant plastic contract The plastic dragon is in a bathtub full of gumdrops. He has the picnic lunch in his backpack. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

16 a e i o u Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

17 a e i o u Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 50

18 lunchbox identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together lunchbox © Davis School District Farmington, UT

19 handbag identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together handbag © Davis School District Farmington, UT

20 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
lunchbox handbag helmet stop last bandstand eldest seven expand chin helpless flatten Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

21 She has her lunchbox and her handbag with her.
The seven boys were on the bandstand. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

22 The seven boys were on the bandstand.
lunchbox handbag helmet stop last  bandstand eldest seven expand chin helpless flatten She has her lunchbox and her handbag with her. The seven boys were on the bandstand. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

23 a e i o u Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

24 a e i o u Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 51

25 glasses identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together glasses © Davis School District Farmington, UT

26 jacket identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together jacket © Davis School District Farmington, UT

27 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
glasses jacket talent stamp planted fed velvet absent endless visit restless hunt Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

28 He has his glasses in the pocket of his jacket.
She has an endless talent for singing. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

29 She has an endless talent for singing.
glasses jacket talent stamp planted fed velvet absent endless visit restless hunt He has his glasses in the pocket of his jacket. She has an endless talent for singing. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

30 a e i o u Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

31 a e i o u Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 52

32 mattress identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together mattress © Davis School District Farmington, UT

33 planet identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together planet © Davis School District Farmington, UT

34 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
mattress planet chicken must finish stem lipstick within mitten piglet got dentist Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

35 Is that a ticket to fly to the red planet?
We have to finish at the dentist. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

36 We have to finish at the dentist.
mattress  planet chicken must finish stem lipstick within mitten piglet got dentist Is that a ticket to fly to the red planet? We have to finish at the dentist. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

37 a e i o u Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

38 a e i o u Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 53

39 edit identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together edit © Davis School District Farmington, UT

40 insect identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together insect © Davis School District Farmington, UT

41 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
edit insect napkin just rabbit fish traffic pocket ticket cobweb lock spotless Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

42 The little insect ran into the big cobweb.
He has more napkins in his pocket. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

43 He has more napkins in his pocket.
edit insect napkin just rabbit fish traffic pocket ticket cobweb lock spotless The little insect ran into the big cobweb. He has more napkins in his pocket. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

44 a e i o u Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

45 a e i o u Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 54

46 often identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together often © Davis School District Farmington, UT

47 laptop identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together laptop © Davis School District Farmington, UT

48 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
often laptop lesson ten lock shamrock rocket problem oblong contact song profit Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

49 She had a problem with the lesson on her laptop.
A shamrock’s shape is not oblong. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

50 A shamrock’s shape is not oblong.
often laptop lesson ten lock shamrock rocket problem oblong contact song profit She had a problem with the lesson on her laptop. A shamrock’s shape is not oblong. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

51 a e i o u Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

52 a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e Lesson 55 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 55

53 inside identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together inside © Davis School District Farmington, UT

54 mistake identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together mistake © Davis School District Farmington, UT

55 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
inside mistake explode pole cupcake line athlete confuse side tadpole sunshine backbone Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

56 The cupcake has white cream inside of it.
The athlete hurt his backbone. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

57 The athlete hurt his backbone.
inside mistake explode pole cupcake line athlete confuse side tadpole sunshine backbone The cupcake has white cream inside of it. The athlete hurt his backbone. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

58 a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

59 ee ea Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 56

60 fifteen identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together fifteen © Davis School District Farmington, UT

61 peanut identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together peanut © Davis School District Farmington, UT

62 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
fifteen peanut freedom street cupcake meal pinwheel nineteen peas beehive sixteen beanbag Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

63 She has sixteen new beanbags.
We will have cupcakes at the next mealtime. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

64 We will have cupcakes at the next mealtime.
fifteen peanut freedom street cupcake meal pinwheel nineteen peas beehive sixteen beanbag She has sixteen new beanbags. We will have cupcakes at the next mealtime. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

65 ee ea Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

66 ai ay Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 57

67 painful identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together painful © Davis School District Farmington, UT

68 contain identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together contain © Davis School District Farmington, UT

69 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
painful contain hailstone day way display aircraft pathway obtain main tailbone freeway Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

70 The new display contains nineteen aircraft.
The pathway runs by the freeway. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

71 The pathway runs by the freeway.
painful contain hailstone day way display aircraft pathway obtain main tailbone freeway The new display contains nineteen aircraft. The pathway runs by the freeway. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

72 ai ay Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

73 oa ow (snow) Lesson 58 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 58

74 pillow identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together pillow © Davis School District Farmington, UT

75 roadmap identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together roadmap © Davis School District Farmington, UT

76 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
pillow roadmap towrope load snowman coat elbow minnow railroad busload grown yellow Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

77 We have a roadmap that helps us get to the railroad.
A busload of grown-ups needs pillows. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

78 A busload of grown-ups needs pillows.
roadmap towrope load snowman coat elbow minnow railroad busload grown yellow We have a roadmap that helps us get to the railroad. A busload of grown-ups needs pillows. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

79 oa ow Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

80 igh Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 59

81 nightlight identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together nightlight © Davis School District Farmington, UT

82 brightest identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together brightest © Davis School District Farmington, UT

83 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
nightlight brightest midnight tight brighten nighttime light daylight frighten fight lighten highest Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

84 A nightlight helps to brighten the nighttime.
The highest tightrope frightens me. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

85 The highest tightrope frightens me.
nightlight brightest midnight tight brighten nighttime light daylight frighten fight lighten highest A nightlight helps to brighten the nighttime. The highest tightrope frightens me. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

86 igh Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

87 ie y (sky) Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 60

88 necktie identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together necktie © Davis School District Farmington, UT

89 dryer identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together dryer © Davis School District Farmington, UT

90 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
necktie dryer myself tie spying python fly potpie untie shy skylight untied Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

91 He unties his necktie before he turns on the dryer.
I made the potpie by myself. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

92 I made the potpie by myself.
necktie dryer myself tie spying python fly potpie untie shy skylight untied He unties his necktie before he turns on the dryer. I made the potpie by myself. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

93 ie y Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

94 ar er ir or ur Lesson 61 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 61

95 member identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together member © Davis School District Farmington, UT

96 artist identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together artist © Davis School District Farmington, UT

97 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
member artist barber dirt birdbath burger firm circus return corn mermaid carpet Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

98 The barber will return after having a burger.
The artist was a former circus member. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

99 The artist was a former circus member.
barber dirt birdbath burger firm circus return corn mermaid carpet The barber will return after having a burger. The artist was a former circus member. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

100 ar er ir or ur Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

101 ow (cow) ou (out) Lesson 62 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 62

102 towel identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together towel © Davis School District Farmington, UT

103 blackout identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together blackout © Davis School District Farmington, UT

104 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
towel blackout powder ground town layout downtown flower cow nightgown shouted clubhouse Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

105 The clubhouse had a black towel for a door.
The nightgown has yellow flowers on it. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

106 The nightgown has yellow flowers on it.
towel blackout powder ground town layout downtown flower cow nightgown shouted clubhouse The clubhouse had a black towel for a door. The nightgown has yellow flowers on it. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

107 ow ou Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

108 ew ue Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 63

109 cashew identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together cashew © Davis School District Farmington, UT

110 argue identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together argue © Davis School District Farmington, UT

111 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
cashew argue rescue clue newscast dew value jewels fewer pursue Sue newest Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

112 They had to pursue the man with the jewels.
The newscast was about rescue. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

113 The newscast was about a rescue.
cashew argue rescue clue newscast dew value jewels fewer pursue Sue newest They had to pursue the man with the jewels. The newscast was about a rescue. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

114 ew ue Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

115 oo (zoo) oy Lesson 64 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 64

116 raccoon identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together raccoon © Davis School District Farmington, UT

117 enjoy identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together enjoy © Davis School District Farmington, UT

118 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
raccoon enjoy oyster toys moon bamboo toothpaste joyride cartoon classroom boys joyful Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

119 You will enjoy the cartoon about the silly raccoon.
The toothpaste smells like oysters. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

120 The toothpaste smells like oysters.
raccoon enjoy oyster toys moon bamboo toothpaste joyride cartoon classroom boys joyful You will enjoy the cartoon about the silly raccoon. The toothpaste smells like oysters. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

121 oo oy Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

122 oo (book) oi Lesson 65 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 65

123 pointer identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together pointer © Davis School District Farmington, UT

124 goodness identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together goodness © Davis School District Farmington, UT

125 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
pointer goodness fishhook foot oilcan point charbroil poison bookcase broiler cookbook look Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

126 The cookbook tells how to use the broiler.
Why is an oilcan on the bookcase? © Davis School District Farmington, UT

127 Why is an oilcan on the bookcase?
pointer goodness fishhook foot oilcan point charbroil poison bookcase broiler cookbook look The cookbook tells how to use the broiler. Why is an oilcan on the bookcase? © Davis School District Farmington, UT

128 oo oi Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

129 aw au Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 66

130 August identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together August © Davis School District Farmington, UT

131 applaud identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together applaud © Davis School District Farmington, UT

132 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
August applaud lawless draw because raw author seesaw faun coleslaw auto jawbone Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

133 Last August he hit his jawbone on the seesaw.
We will applaud for the author. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

134 We will applaud for the author.
August applaud lawless draw because raw author seesaw faun coleslaw auto jawbone Last August he hit his jawbone on the seesaw. We will applaud for the author. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

135 aw au Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

136 all ui Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 67

137 lawsuit identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together lawsuit © Davis School District Farmington, UT

138 baseball identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together baseball © Davis School District Farmington, UT

139 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
lawsuit baseball juicy small fruit grapefruit calling hallway suitcase smallest suit taller Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

140 The smallest suitcase has my wetsuit in it.
A fruitcake will not contain grapefruit. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

141 A fruitcake will not contain grapefruit.
lawsuit baseball juicy small fruit grapefruit calling hallway suitcase smallest suit taller The smallest suitcase has my wetsuit in it. A fruitcake will not contain grapefruit. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

142 all ui Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

143 --y (baby) Lesson 68 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 68

144 rocky identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together rocky © Davis School District Farmington, UT

145 happy identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together happy © Davis School District Farmington, UT

146 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
rocky happy poppy hungry twenty fancy baby crazy wavy lazy filthy slowly Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

147 He went slowly and safely down the rocky path.
The baby was happy in its fancy outfit. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

148 The baby was happy in its fancy outfit.
rocky happy poppy hungry twenty fancy baby crazy wavy lazy filthy slowly He went slowly and safely down the rocky path. The baby was happy in its fancy outfit. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

149 --y Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

150 ow (cow) ew ee Lesson 69 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 69

151 fifteen identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together fifteen © Davis School District Farmington, UT

152 mildew identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together mildew © Davis School District Farmington, UT

153 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
fifteen mildew powder flew downtown frown freedom newest newscast beehive sweet power Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

154 The newest baseball team was on the newscast.
Are there fifteen beehives downtown? © Davis School District Farmington, UT

155 Are there fifteen beehives downtown?
mildew powder flew downtown frown freedom newest newscast beehive sweet power The newest baseball team was on the newscast. Are there fifteen beehives downtown? © Davis School District Farmington, UT

156 ow (cow) ew ee Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

157 ou ue oa Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 70

158 blackout identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together blackout © Davis School District Farmington, UT

159 rescue identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together rescue © Davis School District Farmington, UT

160 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
blackout rescue roadmap boat argue out pursue coatrack railroad coaster house value Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

161 We try not to argue about the value of the couch.
The roadmap shows railroads, too. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

162 The roadmap shows railroads, too.
blackout rescue roadmap boat argue out pursue coatrack railroad coaster house value We try not to argue about the value of the couch. The roadmap shows railroads, too. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

163 ou ue oa Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

164 oy oo (book) ea (eat) Lesson 71 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 71

165 enjoy identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together enjoy © Davis School District Farmington, UT

166 peanut identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together peanut © Davis School District Farmington, UT

167 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
enjoy peanut beanbag Roy look repeat bookcase football cowboy team goodness royal Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

168 Be on the lookout for a good book about football.
They enjoy the goodness of peanuts. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

169 They enjoy the goodness of peanuts.
beanbag Roy look repeat bookcase football cowboy team goodness royal Be on the lookout for a good book about football. They enjoy the goodness of peanuts. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

170 oy oo ea Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

171 aw oo (zoo) ai Lesson 72 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 72

172 cartoon identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together cartoon © Davis School District Farmington, UT

173 seesaw identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together seesaw © Davis School District Farmington, UT

174 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
cartoon seesaw rainbow tooth outlaw raccoon jaw railroad coleslaw sail classroom remain Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

175 The raccoon could not remain in the classroom.
The coleslaw got on the handrail. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

176 The coleslaw got on the handrail.
cartoon seesaw rainbow tooth outlaw raccoon jaw railroad coleslaw sail classroom remain The raccoon could not remain in the classroom. The coleslaw got on the handrail. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

177 aw oo ai Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

178 oi au igh Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 73

179 pointed identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together pointed © Davis School District Farmington, UT

180 haunted identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together haunted © Davis School District Farmington, UT

181 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
pointed haunted mighty sauce lightest tight boiling August poison launches soil daylight Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

182 It may not look haunted in the daylight.
Tighten these screws lightly. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

183 Tighten these screws lightly.
pointed haunted mighty sauce lightest tight boiling August poison launches soil daylight It may not look haunted in the daylight. Tighten these screws lightly. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

184 oi au igh Step 1: Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

185 --y(baby) ow(snow) a_e i_e o_e u_e e_e Lesson 74 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 74

186 rocky identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together rocky © Davis School District Farmington, UT

187 elbow identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together elbow © Davis School District Farmington, UT

188 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
rocky elbow inside fancy pillow poppy rowboat bake happy snow mistake cupcake Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

189 It was a mistake to make a rocky snowman inside.
She was happy with the fancy cupcake. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

190 She was happy with the fancy cupcake.
rocky elbow inside fancy pillow  poppy rowboat bake happy snow mistake cupcake It was a mistake to make a rocky snowman inside. She was happy with the fancy cupcake. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

191 --y ow a_e i_e o_e u_e e_e Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.]

192 ar er ir or ur Lesson 75 Step 1:
Show students the DSD targeted phonics element(s) of the day and tell students the sound. Today we will learn about the sound of __ (eg. igh). ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (eg. “i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applicable.] Lesson 75

193 artist identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together artist © Davis School District Farmington, UT

194 burger identify vowel patterns blend individual syllables
blend together burger © Davis School District Farmington, UT

195 © Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
artist burger thirteen turn card dirty forgot carpet herself torn popcorn flower Step 3: Guide the word reading in the same way you did the models. (Do this for each word.) This step should involve silent blending for at least some of the words. You say, “Silent blending” instead of “blend.” You still point to each sound unit while students blend silently.) Now let’s read some words together. (Begin with first word again.) Find the vowels. (Point to the first vowel/vowel pattern.) Look at the first vowel(s). Sound? (Students respond.) (Point to the left of syllable.) blend. (Point to each sound unit in first syllable only as students make each sound.) (Point to left of first syllable again.) Syllable? (Students read syllable at regular speed while you quickly slide your finger under the syllable from left to right.) (Repeat above procedure with second syllable.) (Point to the left of the word.) blend. (Students blend both syllables together while you swoop your finger under the first syllable and then the second one.) (Point to the left of the word again.) Word? (Students read word at regular speed as you quickly slide your finger under the entire word.) © Davis School District Farmington, UT

196 The artist made thirteen flowers all by herself.
He forgot that the carpet was dirty. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

197 He forgot that the carpet was dirty.
artist burger thirteen turn card dirty forgot carpet herself torn popcorn flower The artist made thirteen flowers all by herself. He forgot that the carpet was dirty. © Davis School District Farmington, UT

198 ar er ir or ur Step 6: Review the key learning.
Today we learned that ___ (eg. igh) usually makes the ___ (“i”) sound. What letters? (Students respond.) What sound? (Students respond.) [Repeat for 2nd element if applic0able.]

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