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Check it out! 3.1.3: Domain and Range

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1 Check it out! 3.1.3: Domain and Range
3.1.3: Domain and Range

2 Every child entering Gate 7 must receive a cap.
It’s Hat Day at the ballpark and every child 10 years old and younger receives a team baseball cap at Gate 7. The policies at the ballpark are very strict: Every child entering Gate 7 must receive a cap. Every child entering Gate 7 must wear the cap. Only children age 10 or younger can enter Gate 7. No child shall wear a different cap than the one received at the gate. Use this information to answer the questions. Common Core Georgia Performance Standard: MCC9–12.F.IF.1 3.1.3: Domain and Range

3 What is the gate’s input?
What is the gate’s output? What might be implied if all the rules were followed but there were still children 10 years old and younger in the ballpark without caps? 3.1.3: Domain and Range

4 What is the gate’s input?
The input is what enters through the gate. Children who haven’t yet received caps are entering the gate, so the input is “children without caps.” 3.1.3: Domain and Range

5 What is the gate’s output?
The children who come out of the gate all have caps. Therefore, the output of the gate is “children with caps.” 3.1.3: Domain and Range

6 What might be implied if all the rules were followed but there were still children 10 years old and younger in the ballpark without caps? It could be implied that children in the ballpark without caps did not enter the park through Gate 7. Connection to the Lesson The warm-up describes a function with a specific set of potential inputs and a specific set of potential outputs. In the lesson, a function’s domain and range will be defined. The warm-up provides students practice with inputs and outputs in a purely contextual sense. 3.1.3: Domain and Range

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