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Chapter 5: Causes of the Civil War

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1 Chapter 5: Causes of the Civil War

2 Previewing what you know What does the word “secede” mean?
To do very well b. To begin or start c. To leave or separate from d. To send or ship

3 Previewing what you know Who was president during the Civil War?
George Washington b. Thomas Jefferson c. Abraham Lincoln d. Ulysses S. Grant

4 Previewing what you know What is an abolitionist?
A person who fought for the Union army b. A person who fought for the Confederate army c. A person who is in favor of slavery d. A person who is against slavery

5 Previewing what you know Why was slavery more common in the South than in the North?
Most people in the South had always owned slaves, so they thought it was fine. The South had more factories than the North, so they need more slaves to work in the factories. The slave ships that came from Africa were close to the South than to the North. The South had more agriculture than the North, and they had used slaves for that reason.

6 Previewing what you know The Civil War started after an attack on
Gettysburg b. Fort Sumter c. Fort Knox d. Lexington and Concord

7 Lesson One: Worlds Apart

8 Slavery in the United States in 1790
Lesson One Slavery in the United States in 1790

9 Slavery in the United States in 1860
Lesson One Slavery in the United States in 1860

10 Lesson One

11 What differences do you see between the North and the South in amount of manufacturing (factories)?
Lesson One

12 The Dallas Tariff in 1816 and the Tariff of 1828 were protective tariffs passed by the Congress to protect industry in the northern United States. The major goal of the tariffs was to protect industries in the northern United States which were being driven out of business by low-priced imported goods by putting a tax on them. The South, however, was harmed directly by having to pay higher prices on goods the region did not produce, since most factories being protected were in the North, and indirectly because reducing the exportation of British goods to the US made it difficult, for the British to pay for the cotton they imported from the South Lesson One

13 Lesson Two: The Struggle for Freedom

14 Lesson One Review What is agriculture?
Industry and manufacturing Shipping of goods and materials Arts, culture, and music Farming and ranching

15 Europe, United States North, South South, North United States, Europe
Lesson One Review Much of the economy in the _______ was based on manufacturing, while most of the economy in the _______ was agricultural. Europe, United States North, South South, North United States, Europe Lesson One Review

16 Lesson One Review Tariffs protected mostly ____________
The North The South England Equally protected all Americans

17 Lesson Two Abolish: to do away with; put an end to An abolitionist is someone who wants to abolish, or end, slavery. Frederick Douglass Sojourner Truth Harriet Beecher Stowe

18 Lesson Two The Underground Railroad was a series of escape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the South (mostly to the North and Canada).

19 Lesson Two Discrimination: The unfair treatment of a group of people
Lesson Two Discrimination: The unfair treatment of a group of people. Free Blacks faced discrimination in the North and South, but the discrimination in the South was much more extreme. Free Blacks were not allowed to travel freely in many states. Free Blacks were often not allowed to meet in groups. Free Blacks often had curfews.

20 Lesson Three: Compromise & Conflict

21 Lesson Two Review An abolitionist is
A person living in a northern state A person that is in favor of slavery A person that is enslaved A person that opposes slavery

22 Chinese immigrants were hurt working on the Transcontinental Railroad
Lesson Two Review Which of the following is not an example of discrimination? African Americans were not allowed to assemble without a white person present Chinese immigrants were hurt working on the Transcontinental Railroad Signs in windows stated, “No Irish Need Apply” (for jobs) Japanese Americans were forced from their jobs and homes into Internment camps during World War II

23 Robert E. Lee Frederick Douglass Harriet Tubman Sojourner Truth
Lesson Two Review Which of the following is not a well-known abolitionist? Robert E. Lee Frederick Douglass Harriet Tubman Sojourner Truth

24 Lesson Three Missouri Compromise

25 Lesson Three Compromise of 1850

26 Lesson Three Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854

27 Lesson Three Part of the Compromise of 1850 was the Fugitive Slave Law that forced Northerners to return escaped slaves to their owners.

28 Lesson Three Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

29 Lesson Three Dred Scott Decision

30 Lesson Three John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry

31 Lesson Four: Civil War Begins

32 Lesson Three Review What was the result of the Dred Scott Decision?
There was no longer slavery in the Northern States. Slaves have no rights and slavery cannot be banned in the new territories. Once a slave has been brought from a slave state to a free state, the slave should be considered free. New territories should be allowed to choose for themselves whether to be free or slave states.

33 Lesson Three Review Who led the Raid on Harper’s Ferry?
Harriet Beecher Stowe Frederick Douglass Henry Clay John Brown

34 To stop all spread of slavery
Lesson Three Review Why were the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 passed? To stop all spread of slavery To allow slavery to spread to the new territories To try to keep the country together To give more power to individual states

35 The Civil War in the United States began.
Lesson Three Review What happened after the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed? The Civil War in the United States began. Fighting broke out between Native Americans in the area and new settlers who moved there. Congress added more slave states so there would be a balance of slave and free states. Fighting broke out between people in favor of slavery and people opposed to slavery.

36 Lesson Four The South and North divided on slavery and states rights

37 Lesson Four Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln’ birthplace , KY Lincoln’s early Illinois home Lived in Kentucky until he was 7, moved to Indiana until 22, then Illinois

38 Lesson Four Lincoln’s Campaigns
1858 election for Illinois Senator 1860 Presidential Election

39 Lesson Four Secession Begins U.S. in Jefferson Davis

40 Lesson Four Attack on Fort Sumter

41 Unit Review Discussion Questions
How were the North and South different before the War? How did the invention of the Cotton Gin affect slavery? What is an abolitionist? How were free blacks discriminated against? Why did Congress pass the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850? What happened after Abraham Lincoln was elected? What happened at Fort Sumter, South Carolina?

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