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Presentation on theme: "LIFE CYCLES AND GROWTH OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS"— Presentation transcript:


2 How do plants reproduce? When a plant grows, it goes through
a series of stages. The stages that a living thing goes through are called a LIFE CYCLE. Most food that we eat comes from plants. As consumers of plants we need to understand the life cycle of plants.

3 Most plants grow from seeds. First, a seed is placed in soil, so
it can sprout. Next, the plant grows until it reaches maturity. A mature plant may grow flowers or cones. Then, these structures make more seeds. The cycle continues.


5 Number the sequence of the plant
life cycle.

6 There are about 274,000 different kinds of plants on Earth.
Almost 90% of them reproduce by making seeds. Most seed-producing plants make seeds in the flowers.

7 Only about 760 plants make seeds
in structures called cones.

8 In plants with cones, sperm are made in male cones and eggs are
made in female cones.

9 Most cone-bearing plants are trees. Pines, spruces, and cycads are
all cone-bearing plants.

10 reproductive structures. They produce reproduction sex cells.
Flowers and cones are reproductive structures. They produce reproduction sex cells. Reproduction sex cells are used during sexual reproduction. Male reproductive cells are called sperm. Female reproductive cells are eggs.

11 The male organ in the flower is called the stamen.
It consists of a thin stalk topped by a saclike anther. The anther produces pollen.

12 FERTILIZATION Fertilization is the process of a
sperm and an egg cell joining together. A fertilized egg grows into a new plant inside a seed.

13 In plants with flowers, sperm are contained in grains of pollen
produced in the anthers.

14 Eggs are made in a structure called a pistil. Most flowers have
both anthers and a pistil.



17 Everything the new plant needs in contained within the seed’s coat.
Even a drop of water. Plant cell

18 Petals are the outer parts of the flower
Petals are the outer parts of the flower. They are usually bright colors to attract insects. The male organ is the stamen. It is a thin stalk topped by a saclike anther, which produces the pollen.

19 In order for an egg to be fertilized, pollen has to move from the male
POLLEN POWER In order for an egg to be fertilized, pollen has to move from the male parts to the female parts.

20 Plants reproduce through pollination.
POLLINATION is the process of pollen moving from a male plant part to a female plant part. There are several ways this can happen. POLLEN

21 Sometimes wind can blow the pollen from one plant to another.

22 Other plants are pollinated by pollinators. Bees, birds,
and butterflies, and other animals can be pollinators. A butterfly goes from flower to flower drinking nectar. The pollen on the stamens rubs off on the butterfly. As the butterfly visits flower after flower, pollen drops off and falls on the pistil. If this happens the flower will be pollinated.

23 Many water plants, such as rushes, are pollinated by water. Flowing water carries the pollen from one plant to the next.

24 Wind and water pollinate the other 25%.
Animals pollinate 75% of seed-making plants. Wind and water pollinate the other 25%. Use this information to create a circle graph.

25 The base of the pistil of some flowers grows into a big fruit that
Animals pollinate 75% of seed-making plants. The base of the pistil of some flowers grows into a big fruit that contains the flower’s seeds. When an animals eats the fruit, the seeds pass through the animal’s body before being deposited elsewhere.

26 Bats are super seed movers.
So are birds.

27 Other animals will find and bury seeds.
Think of squirrels. Squirrels bury acorns so they will have food in winter. They dig up and eat most of the acorns, but they will forget a few. These will grow into new oak trees.

28 Seeds such as burs travel when they stick to an animals body.

29 Ever hear of VELCRO? Nature got there first!

30 Plants are used to make food, clothing,
medicine, furniture and so much more. We would not survive without plants.

31 Because we are dependant on plants
for our survival, it is vital that we know how plants reproduce. Knowing about plant life cycles helps farmers provide what people need and want.

32 Farmers need to pollinate their plants. BEES are great pollinators.
- Millions of plants - BEES are great pollinators.

33 Bees not only pollinate our plants but provide a bonus of honey.


35 Label the parts of the plant

36 Quick Check cone cycle fertilization flower germination
maturity pollen pollination seed 1. What process happens when a sperm joins with an egg? _________ 2. What stage has a plant reached when it can reproduce? __________ 3. What process happens when a small root and plant begins to grow out of a seed? ___________________________________________ 4. What are the structures that contain a plant’s male sex cells? _____ 5. What structure do pine and spruce trees use to reproduce? _______ 6. What forms after a plant egg is fertilized? _______________________ 7. What process happens when pollen falls on a flower’s pistil? ______ 8. All of the stages a plant goes through is called its life ____________. 9. What structure do rose bushes and apple trees use to reproduce? ____________


38 B

39 Set up a formal experiment about seeds. What is your QUESTION?
SCIENTIFIC PROCESS Set up a formal experiment about seeds. What is your QUESTION? What is your HYPOTHESIS? What MATERIALS will you use? What PROCEDURE will you follow? Will you DRAW pictures? Will you make CHARTS or GRAPHS? Will you SUMMARIZE your data?


41 Like plants, animals have a life cycle.
Animals are born and then they grow to become an adult. When animals are adults they have young of their own. The circle of life continues on and on forever…

42 When a bird reaches adulthood, it mates with another bird.
After mating, a female bird lays eggs. Birds hatch from eggs. After the eggs hatch, the parents feed the young birds. Over time, the birds grow and become independent. Soon they can live on their own. And the cycle continues….

43 Most animals reproduce sexually. During sexual reproduction, sperm
from a male joins an egg from a female. The fertilized egg can then develop into a new animal. This fertilized egg with grow into a tiny mouse.

44 In some animals, such as many kinds
of fish, the eggs are fertilized outside of the female’s body. In other animals, like birds, the eggs are fertilized inside the female’s body. After the eggs are fertilized, the female bird lays the eggs. Birds will protect the eggs until they have hatched.

45 After the young are born, they begin to grow and change.
Over time, newborns develop into youths. Youths continue to develop until they grow into adults.

46 Adult animals mate with one another to produce offspring.
An animal’s life cycle ends when the animal dies. But that animal’s offspring will have offspring and the life cycle repeats again and again.

47 and spiders hatch from eggs.
Like birds, many other animals hatch out of eggs. Most fish, reptiles, and spiders hatch from eggs.

48 What happens after an animal is born? Some animals, such as turtles, are on their own as soon as they hatch from their eggs. Their parents do not help them.

49 Other animals, like penguins, give their young a great deal of care. They keep their young warm and fed until the young grow strong enough to care for themselves.

50 Animals such as deer, bear, and rabbits take care of their young by
feeding them milk. These animals may stay with their parents for months or even years. Animals that feed their babies milk are called mammals.

51 Tigers give birth to live young. Young cats drink their mother’s milk.

52 When a kangaroo is born, it is about the size of a dime. They crawl from the birth canal to their mother’s pouch. The milk glands are inside the pouch.

53 Raccoons usually give birth to 3 to 5 young at one time. Raccoons only have one litter each year.

54 WHAT ABOUT US? Just like other animals, humans go
through stages of development. After a human egg is fertilized, it grows inside the mother.

55 After nine months, the baby is born. When babies are born they drink
their mother’s milk.

56 Newborn babies have no teeth, and they are not able to walk.
It is up to the adult to care for them.

57 Babies grow into toddlers. Toddlers learn to walk. They also start to learn how to speak. Humans get their first set of teeth when they are

58 As a child develops, the first set of
teeth, or baby teeth, are replaced by permanent teeth. The child is growing and developing many physical and mental skills during this time.

59 During the teenage years, boys and girls start looking more like
the adults they will become.

60 During adulthood, people reach maturity.
Often, adults marry and have children of their own.

61 As an adult ages, they lose some of their physical abilities.
The body changes in other ways, too. The hair turns grey or it may fall out. Or they may need glasses.

A young frog, or tadpole, has a long tail and no legs. As it grows, its tail becomes shorter, and it begins to grow legs. An adult frog has no tail, but it has legs. These changes are known as METAMORPHOSIS.

63 Butterflies go through complete METAMORPHOSIS.
An adult butterfly lays an egg. The egg hatches into a larva. The larva of a butterfly is called a caterpillar. The caterpillar grows into a pupa. Inside a chrysalis the pupa becomes an adult butterfly.


65 In many animals, the young look similar to the adults. But in other
animals, the young look very different. In complete metamorphosis, an animal goes through four different stages in its life cycle.

66 The egg hatches into larva The larvae looks like a worm
The larvae develops into a pupa The pupa is enclosed in a cocoon While in the cocoon the pupa develops into the adult. The adult splits its cocoon and flies out.


68 Grasshoppers go through incomplete metamorphosis.
Young grasshoppers hatch out of eggs as nymphs. A nymph grows and molts. The grasshopper will molt five times before they reach the adult stage.


70 Some insects, such as dragonflies and termites, go through a different series of changes. In incomplete metamorphosis, an animal only goes through three different stages of the life cycle.

71 First, the animal hatches from the
egg as a nymph. Nymphs look like tiny adults, but they don’t have wings. As a nymph grows larger, it molts. Molting happens when an insect sheds its hard out skeleton, or exoskeleton. After several moltings, the insect, which now has wings, reaches its adult stage.

72 QUICK CHECK 1. Most animals grow from a fertilized _______ cell.
2. Some animals, give birth to live young and care for the young by feeding them _______________. 3. After human babies are born, they develop into ______ and eventually grow into ______ and then adults. 4. Animals that have a larva stage and a pupa stage undergo _________ metamorphosis. 5. Animals that have a nymph stage undergo _________ metamorphosis.

73 Some animals are endangered. Scientists study the life cycles of
WHY DO WE CARE? Some animals are endangered. Scientists study the life cycles of endangered animals to try to save them and help them increase their numbers. Sea turtles are endangered.

74 Sea turtles have been hurt by hunting, pollution and beach erosion.
To help sea turtles, people have learned about their life cycle. They have used what they learned to protect the sea turtles and help them survive and flourish.


76 Each of these little guys needs our help.


78 Have you ever noticed how children often look like their parents?
This happens because of a process known as heredity. The passing of traits from parents to their offspring is called HEREDITY.

79 Look at the girl’s traits.
The eyes are The hair is ___________ ___________ The ear lobes The chin is are _________ __________ The tongue can ___________

80 When you look in the mirror the you that looks back is a reflection of
your parents’ traits. A trait is a feature of an individual, such as brown eyes. You inherit your eye color from your parents. You inherit your skin color and your hair color and even freckles from your parents.

81 The children look like the parents.

82 Heredity happens in other living things
as well. As you can see, flowers inherit their color from their parents.

83 Birds inherit their beak shape and their feather
color from their parents. They also inherit their body shape and their feet shape. Offspring will always look like their parents.

84 What controls the traits you inherit?
It’s in the GENES. What controls the traits you inherit? Every living thing contains chemical instructions for traits. These instructions are known as GENES.


86 Genes are found inside cells. When sex cells unite, the new cell
has genes from both the sperm and the egg. This chicken’s feather color is inherited.

87 Half of your genes came from your mother. The other half came from
your father. Because of this, you have a mixture of traits from both your parents.

88 Remember that a sperm is the male sex cell. It contains genes from
the father. An egg is a female sex cell. It has genes from the mother. When the two cells join, the resulting cell has genes from both parents.

89 Scientists have learned a lot about how genes control traits. Today,
GENETIC ENGINEERING Scientists have learned a lot about how genes control traits. Today, scientists can take genes from one living thing and put them in another. They can change colors of vegetables.

90 This is called genetic engineering. Scientist use genetic engineering
to change a living thing’s traits. For example, they can make a potato plant poisonous to caterpillars. Scientists can also make goat milk with medicine in it. This technology is very new. Because of this, nobody knows what the effects will be.

91 What do you think are three possible benefits of genetic engineering
What do you think are three possible benefits of genetic engineering? What are some possible problems? BENEFITS PROBLEMS

92 Genes + Environment = YOU! Your genes alone do not control all
of your traits. The environment you live in affects your traits, too! Skin color can be changed by the environment. Staying in the sun can make your skin darker. Too much sun is dangerous. Always wear sunblock.

93 These hydrangea flowers are pink. But if you want blue flowers all you
need to do is change the acidity of the soil. You can change the acidity of the soil by adding nails to the soil.

94 Some traits are caused when your genes and environment interact.
Your height is controlled by your genes. But it is also controlled by the kinds of foods you eat. If you do not eat nutritious food, you will not grow as tall as you could on a healthy diet.

95 What other traits could be affected by the environment?

96 Plants grow toward the light. No matter where you put a plant, it will
Other living things have traits caused by a mix of genes and the environment. Plants grow toward the light. No matter where you put a plant, it will always grow toward the light.

97 The environment can change living things in other ways, too.
A tadpole is a frog larva that swims in the water. If the pond the tadpoles are living in begins to dry up, the tadpoles will undergo metamorphosis at a faster rate. They will become adult frogs faster than tadpoles in deep ponds.


99 The sex of alligators is affected by temperature. If an alligator egg
develops at 30 degrees Celcius or less, it will be a female. If it develops at 34 degrees Celcius or more, it will be a male.

100 LEARNING LESSONS You know how to do many things.
You were not born knowing Everything you need to know. You LEARNED them.

101 You know how to tie your shoes, how to read an analog clock and
a digital clock. You know how to read a book and add numbers together. You know lots and lots about lots of things. But you weren’t born knowing how to do all of these things.

102 The ability to learn hlps an animal survive. This is called
Think of how learning keeps you safe. You know to stop and look both ways before crossing the street. The ability to learn hlps an animal survive. This is called LEARNED BEHAVIOR. Learned behavior is something an animal learns from experience or by watching other animals.

103 This chimpanzee is using a tool to get
ants to eat. It probably learned to do this by watching other chimpanzees.

104 Playing baseball is a learned behavior.
You have to learn the rules of the game. You also have to learn how to hit the ball with a bat. Playing baseball is a learned behavior. You have to learn the rules of the game. You also have to learn how to hit the ball with a bat.

105 Many animals are able to learn things. Have you ever seen baby ducks
following their mother? When the ducks first hatch, they learn to recognize their mother. After this, everywhere the mother goes, the babies follow. This is called imprinting and it keeps the ducklings safe.

106 Can you think of other learned behaviors?
If you have a pet, think of all the things you have taught your pet to do.

107 Think about behaviors of working animals, such as horses and
rescue dogs.

But not all behaviors are learned. Animals are born knowing how to do some things. Behaviors animals are born with are called INSTINCTS.

109 Human babies have an instinct to cry Humans also have an instinct to
when they are hungry. Humans also have an instinct to speak a language.

110 But the instinct to speak is influenced by your environment.
You must learn to speak a particular language, such as English, Spanish, or Chinese. In this way, many behaviors are a mix of learning and instincts.

111 Earthworms have an instinct to burrow in the ground.
Calves are born with the instinct to nurse by drinking milk from their mother.

112 Other behaviors may be instinct alone
Other behaviors may be instinct alone. Very soon after a baby horse is born, it is able to stand up. Within a few hours, he can walk and run. The horse does not need to learn these behaviors. It is pure instinct.

113 Spiders have an instinct to spin webs.
Geese have an instinct to migrate south in the winter.


115 Living things inherit most of their traits
REVIEW Living things inherit most of their traits from their parents. Inherited traits are controlled by genes. Traits can also be controlled by the environment. In animals, traits include behaviors. Instincts are behaviors that an animal is born knowing how to do. Many animals are also able to learn behaviors. They learn through experience or by watching others.

116 gene heredity instinct instinctive offspring traits learned behavior
Check What You Know gene heredity instinct instinctive offspring traits learned behavior Passing characteristics from parents to their young is know as ___ An example of ___________ __________ is a child learning to read. A chemical instruction for a trait is known as a ________________. Green eyes and red hair are examples of _____________________. A bird chirping is an example of an __________________________. A living thing’s children are also known as its _________________. Mice, squirrels, and many other animals become inactive during the winter. This is a type of ________________________ behavior.

117 Check What You Know Explain how living things inherit traits.
List 3 examples of physical traits affected by the environment. Draw and label a picture showing a learned behavior and draw and label a picture showing an instinctive behavior.


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