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Playing games in the K-2 classroom

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1 Playing games in the K-2 classroom
Math Games Playing games in the K-2 classroom Created By Megan Stein, 2013

2 “My kids play games all day!”
FUN way to practice math concepts Hands on Opportunity for differentiation Promotes critical thinking and strategizing Self-directed exploration Social skills Speaking and listening about math Opportunity for assessment Build on concepts as games evolve Games engage students in many ways but it is important to understand that it is only through repeated experience of playing a game that students begin to grasp some of the important ideas and skills embodied in the game.

3 Compare (a.k.a. war) Materials: Primary Number Cards (1-10)
Number of Players: 2 (can be played with 3) How to Play: Entire deck is dealt and each player places their cards in a pile facedown Players count to three and both flip over their top card Player with the highest card says “me” and gets to keep both cards Game is over when the deck runs out

4 Differentiation across the grades
Removing picture support from number cards Playing with numbers through 20 Double Compare (players each flip over 2 cards-player with highest total wins) Students record equations of their wins Students record using <, =, >

5 What is the math in this game?

6 What’s the math? Number sense Comparing numbers
Developing language for comparing quantities Fact fluency Addition Questions to ask your child while playing: How do you know which number is larger? What did you do to figure that out? Common Core State Standards Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade K.CC.6 Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies. K.CC.7 Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals K.OA.3 Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 5 = and 5 = 4 + 1). K.OA.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5 1.OA.3 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. 1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. 1.NBT.3 Compare two two digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <. 2.OA.2 Fluently add an subtract within 20 using mental strategies. 2.NBT.4 Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons

7 Tens Go Fish Materials: Primary Number Cards 0-10 (four of each) without Wild Cards Sheet of Paper Number of Players: 2-4 How to Play: The object of the game is to get two cards that total ten Each player is dealt 5 cards. Remaining cards are placed in the middle. Each player looks for pairs from his or her cards that make 10. Players put down the pairs of cards that make 10, and they draw new cards to replace them from the deck. Players take turns asking each other for a card that will make 10 with a card in their own hands. If a player gets the card, he or she puts the pair down and picks a new card from the deck. If a player does not get the card, the player must “Go fish” and pick a new card from the deck. If the new card from the deck makes 10 with a card in the player’s hand, he or she puts the pair of cards down and takes another card. If a player runs out of cards, the player picks two new cards. A player’s turn is over when no more pairs can be made that make 10. The game is over when there are no more cards. At the end of the game, players record their combinations of 10.

8 Differentiation across the grades
Removing picture support from number cards At the end of the game, record number sentences for all pairs found

9 What is the math in this game?

10 What’s the math? Combinations of 10 Fact fluency
Solving a problem in which the total and one part are known Using numbers and standard notation (+ and =) to record. Questions to ask your child while playing: How did you decide/know what number to ask for? Common Core State Standards Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade K.OA.4 For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation. 1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. 1.OA.8 Determine the unknown whole number in addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers. 2.OA.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.

11 Plus 1 or 2 Bingo Materials: Primary Number Cards (without Wild Cards)
two kinds of counters (20 per player) gameboard Number of Players: 2 How to Play: Player 1 turns over the top card in the deck. Player 1 adds 1 or 2 to that number and covers the sum on the gameboard with their counter. Player 2 turns over the top card. Player 2 adds 1 or 2 to that number, and covers the sum on the gameboard. Keep taking turns. If all of the possible sums are covered, take another card. The game is over when all of the numbers in one row are covered. The numbers can go across, down, or diagonally. More Ways to Play Play with the Wild Cards. A Wild Card can be any number Play to ill more than one row Play as a team. Try to fill the entire gameboard

12 Differentiation across the grades
Extend by playing Plus 9 or 10 Bingo

13 What is the math in this game?

14 What’s the math? Fact fluency Reasoning Strategizing
Working with “friendly number” Questions to ask your child while playing: How did you decide to whether to add 1 or 2? (is the child strategizing?) Common Core State Standards Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 1.OA.3 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add or subtract 1.OA.5 Relate counting to addition and subtraction 1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10 1.NBT.5 Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less than the number, without having to count; explain the reasoning used 2.OA.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies 2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction

15 Games you’re already playing that support math concepts
Checkers Chess Solitaire UNO Monopoly Chutes & Ladders Mancala Dominoes Puzzles Memory/Concentration I Spy I Love Math (rock/paper/scissors) Chopsticks

16 Websites/Apps TERC Investigations Games
Math games suggested on PS 11 Website Math Apps for the iPad Sushi Monster Fizzy’s Lunch Lab Fresh Pick Math vs. Zombies Matchmatics 10monkeys 4 Dice 5 Dice Marble Math Todo K-2 Math Math Champ

17 Game Resources Compare Tens Go Fish Plus 1 or 2 Bingo Directions
Double Compare Directions Primary number cards Teen number cards Plus 1 or 2 Directions Plus 9 or 10 Directions Plus 1 or 2 board Plus 9 or 10 board Note: You can also use any deck of cards and remove the face cards

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