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Managing Behaviour & Personalised Learning Training

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1 Managing Behaviour & Personalised Learning Training

2 In groups discuss and give your reaction to the following quotes
“We do not teach classes we teach groups of individuals” “We are not interested in dwelling on poor student choices but on creating positive expectations for the rest of the lesson”

3 Objectives To gain an understanding of the term Personalised Learning
To have an insight into its historical background and use in the educational setting To explore ways that staff can put personalised learning into practice To reflect on strategies that help manage inappropriate behaviour

4 What does the term Personalised Learning mean to you?
In pairs write a definition of Personalised Learning

5 Who should define Personalised Learning?
Derek Wise Headteacher and Accelerated Learning author, suggests that each organisation should develop their own definition of Personalised Learning based on the learning need of its own students and the aspirations of the institution itself. He notes that the last thing we want is for the government or indeed anyone else to come up with a definition of personalised learning.

6 A definition “Put simply, personalised learning and teaching means taking a highly structured and responsive approach to each child's and young person's learning, in order that all are able to progress achieve and participate” Gilbert Review 2007 Led by Christine Gilbert, head of the education inspectorate Ofsted.

7 Your Experiences In pairs or groups identify one discipline problem you have experienced in your career.

8 I believe the behaviour of students:
Agree Disagree Is a product of their environment Is partly a result of poor parenting Is not the responsibility of teaching staff Is getting worse Is the responsibility of the senior management team Can be corrected by punitive methods Can be turned around by a collaborative approach from all staff Is the result of wider problems in society Has always been the same

9 Personalised Learning
Five key themes: Identifying where learners are and the steps they need to improve Teaching strategies that engage and stretch learners Wide range of curriculum choices and ICT resources Organising a safe, positive learning environment that supports high quality teaching and highlights achievements Building partnerships outside of college to support learning How have you embraced any of the above themes to support learners?

10 Ofsted’s Behaviour Report
‘In 2008, Ofsted’s Improving Behaviour report found that schools that are successful in improving behaviour tend not to deal with it in isolation. Instead, they tackle it as part of a wider school improvement strategy – for example, by improving teaching, making learning more enjoyable, providing wider choices in the curriculum, and ensuring that their policy for managing behaviour is clear to everyone.’

11 The Political Context In 2004 the prime minister stated “in secondary education, future reform must have as a core objective a flexible curriculum providing a distinct and personal offer to every child .…through choice and personalision our aim is ambitious and progressive; services fair for all, personal to each”. This led to the report 2020 Vision in 2007 which recommended ways that the school system had to change to deliver a more personalised approach.

12 Some of the approaches schools have made in response to 2020 Vision.
Interventions to stop pupils falling behind Gifted and talented New ways of setting and grouping Extra support for looked after pupils etc Transition from primary to secondary Better reporting systems Buddy systems Vertical tutoring systems

13 Further Education: Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances 2006
This report noted that colleges should personalise in the following areas: Information, advice & guidance Assessing learner need Developing expertise Improving pastoral support Involving learners in decision making

14 List the benefits of Personalisation to FE
Improved retention Improved achievement A more responsive, better skilled workforce More expert and independent learners Greater social inclusion Better economic productivity

15 Self Audit – Managing Student Behaviour
Regularly Sometimes Never I shout at disruptive students I find myself in unpleasant confrontations with learners I contact parents about behavioural issues I calmly deal with inappropriate behaviour I focus on rewarding good behaviour I ignore bad behaviour if they are not my students I am consistent in managing behaviour The hard working students get less attention I seek support and advice on dealing with students

16 Divide into groups and give some examples of how you achieve the above

17 Ways to Engage Learners
Personal acknowledgement Reflective comments both verbal & written Class displays that reflect success Agreed reward structures Catching students doing the right thing Encourage openness Phoning parents to discuss good behaviour

18 ACTIVITY Giving advice Listening Explaining Instructions Appraising
Asking questions Summarising Reflecting Analysing Directing ACTIVITY In pairs identify the three strategies which most promote engagement from students

19 In small groups discuss and rank the following strategies for managing behaviour
1. Create a culture of praise that focuses on what students do well 2. Do not smile until Christmas 3. Threaten or imply threatening consequences to bad behaviour 4. Send students to somebody else to deal with 5. Explain how many times you have told off the learners already 6. Focus on the behaviour not the learner 7. Hold learners responsible for their choices 8. Apply positive and negative consequences with consistency 9. Set clear boundaries and explain the rules to learners 10. Give learners regular warnings

20 Making praise memorable and meaningful
How would you personalise the following types of praise? Wallpaper praise – Great lovely Personal praise – You are brilliant Directed praise – Great you have followed our agreement Reflective praise – Tell me why I am happy with your work Contextual praise – This work would not look out of place in a professional exhibition

21 Using non directive language to support learning conversations
“You won’t pass your course at this rate, you should work harder” “What’s stopping you from getting your work in on time” Case Study Mary contributes well in class discussions but has only handed in two out of five assignments. Which response do you prefer? Which of the responses is the most personalised? What other responses could be given?

22 In pairs discuss how you might respond to the following incidents
Your response You catch Pauline writing graffiti on a desk Hameda swears at you after being told she cannot have a tin drink Joe punches another pupil who he claims was staring at him Gary is chewing gum in class George is disturbing classes by playing music loudly in the corridor You hear Harry making threats to physically attack another student Delroy refuses to take off his baseball cap in class Shaheida answers her mobile phone during your class Lester sets off the fire alarm for no apparent reason

23 LSC FIGURES Black learners have a 67% chance of success compared to 74% for the average; 59% of care leavers are in education, employment or training compared to 87% of all young people at 18 to 19; Only 67% of learners are very or extremely satisfied with their learning experience; Only 40% of learners gave a high rating when asked whether their teachers know how they like to learn; 1 in 8 learners said that more than a quarter of their lesson time was wasted; Across the system, it is unusual for learners’ views to be sought routinely to help individual teachers/trainers improve their methods; Quality assurance systems rarely follow a learner’s journey from point of enrolment to progression to really understand the learner’s experience so that improvements can be made.

24 How do you capture the learner voice within your department
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

25 Colleges must strive to capture the learner voice and respond to those views in all aspects of its business. You said-we did Feedback meetings Regular newsletters Presentations to learners Single issue letter to learners Visible access to managers Visible access to governors Clear complaints procedure On line policies and minutes Satisfaction questionnaires Learner council Specific consultations Committee memberships On line blogs/forums Suggestion box Focus groups /mobile hot line College service reviews Course reviews

26 What are the challenges?
Continuity and extension of learning out of hours, between and within institutions, etc. Expanding E-learning Increasing stimulating/motivational experiences Providing wider and more flexible courses Involvement in and management of target setting Tracking learning and interventions Improving planning and preparation Assessment for and of learning Reducing administration easing organisation Involving and communicating with parents Offering learners greater autonomy Managing behaviour appropriately

27 In pairs discuss highlight your priority areas in teaching and learning?
Motivational course guidance Initial assessment that captures the whole person with targets Induction courses that promote a learning culture Attachment to a learning guide Effective learning to learn guidance Learning plans in place of schemes of work to support independent study Gain parental/carer involvement VLE extending learning beyond the classroom Regularly monitored personal targets Active learning classrooms-group/paired/individual work Clear differentiation and behaviour management strategies High team standards peer observation. Share best practice


29 Expert Learners “to become an expert learner with the skills to negotiate and challenge all elements of the learning experience, to be an active, motivated partner and not a passive disengaged recipient is the aim’

30 Strategies for Managing Confrontation
Tell the learner to stop the inappropriate behaviour and explain why Focus on the behaviour you are correcting and do not allow the learner to distract you from their behaviour Remain as calm as possible, use friendly gestures remember you are the adult Ask questions rather than make accusations If possible deal with behaviour problems in private Remain open-minded and objective

31 Developing skills Take time to help students understand and develop
Skills in anger management Skills in communication How to treat each other with respect Adults often model behaviour - Calm words calm students - Put the positive option first: - Allow students time to comply when a request is made - Offer advice when difficulties arise - Give clear calm advice

32 Giving positive feedback
Non verbal feedback Friendly expression Thumbs up Facial Expressions Suitable eye contact Verbal feedback - Excellent - Well done Written feedback - On work - On homework - On tutorial documents

33 Some ideas to help set up a positive learning environment
Aim high expect the every best from your students, challenge your own labelling of them, show you have faith in them. Make these aims clear communicate these aims (task and behavioural) so that the environment is purposeful Reward and praise them often a study of 50 educational organisations found that tutors spent less than 1% of their time giving praise!! (Mortimore 1998)

34 Some ideas to help set up a positive learning environment
Involve students in setting class rules Encourage ownership of these form the beginning Look for triggers – Challenging behaviour often has obvious triggers, eliminate or lessen the ones that you can Behaviour is functional All behaviour has a consequence, even challenging behaviour aims to achieve something, observe this so you can work with it more successfully

35 Some ideas to help set up a positive learning environment
Getting to know students show you value them by getting to know their personal qualities and interests Be firm on issues, supportive on students focus on the behaviour so it doesn’t become personalised Make lessons motivating, engaging, social and challenging avoid disruption through boredom

36 Responding to confrontation
Deferred Chat after class or in tutorial time Refer back to contract, reinforcing Encourage them to remember & review this Explore and question – what’s the problem, don’t sweep it under the carpet What are the consequences of this behaviour Immediate Cool off time Isolate the student – by 1-1 communication, or if necessary take them outside. Move seating if it’s not too obvious. Avoid one choice steps Reflect back what is happening without judgement

37 Restraining Learners The Education Act 1996 forbids corporal punishment but allows teachers to use reasonable force to prevent a learner from: Committing a criminal offence Injuring themselves or others Damaging property Any behaviour that does not maintain good order and discipline

38 Managing violence and assaults at work - local code of practice
‘Violence occurs when an employee is coerced, abused, threatened or assaulted, physically or emotionally, in circumstances arising out of the course of his/her employment which produce damaging or hurtful effects.’ This includes sexual harassment, racial harassment, verbal abuse, and threatened or actual damage to a person or their property.

39 Managing violence and assaults at work local code of practice
1. Predict situation/violence What settings or “triggers” should be avoided? What warning signs does a person give (appearance, rapid mood swings, unpredictable actions, verbal behaviour, agitation, etc)?

40 Managing violence and assaults at work
local code of practice 2. Calculate the risk of violence in any situation Has the person behaved violently before including to you personally? Are there potential weapons in the room/area? Are you alone and without backup support from nearby? Are you likely to be trapped without an exit if there is a likelihood of violence? The more times you answer ‘yes’, the greater the possible risk. If all the predictors indicate high risk, staff would have at least anticipated it and used strategies for self protection.

41 Managing violence and assaults at work local code of practice
3. Remember the signs These are signs that can lead to violence. Employees must be alert to these especially where there is a build up of tension. Restless behaviour involving pushing and jostling or outbursts of anger Deliberately provocative conduct Over-sensitive reactions to correction or instruction. Imminent or major events such as disciplinaries or exclusions. Threats of violence which should always be taken seriously. Drug taking and alcohol use Bullying and peer group pressure

42 Managing violence and assaults at work
local code of practice 4. Self Help Strategies Mentally rehearse predictors and possible high risk situations, discussing with colleagues if appropriate; Be calm, reasonable and reassuring Transmit that calm with your body language, and speak by using relaxed and normal speech and movements to convey confidence without threat Try to divert a situation or change the subject Avoiding using aggressive body language such as finger waving, staring or loud speech Avoid physical contact unless absolutely necessary and safe Give any instructions clearly and slowly, repeat as appropriate Ensure that you are aware of the nearest escape route.

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