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Rachael Benedetto William Brandenberger Kristina Abuladze

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Presentation on theme: "Rachael Benedetto William Brandenberger Kristina Abuladze"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rachael Benedetto William Brandenberger Kristina Abuladze
Feedback Inhibition Rachael Benedetto William Brandenberger Kristina Abuladze

2 What exactly is it? Feedback inhibition is when the product of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction will inhibit the function of the enzyme and limit the quantity of the product formed.

3 Sound like mumbo jumbo? It’s really pretty simple. Say you’re at a bakery and you need to bake cookies. You bake them and bake them and bake them, and then the boss comes in and tells you to stop because they have enough/too much. The boss is the act of feedback inhibition. Once there isn’t enough cookies, the boss will come back in and tell you to make cookies again.

4 Here’s a picture that might help:
Will says all these complex chemicals aren’t important, what is though is the start and end result, got it?

5 Still don’t get it?

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