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Uses solar energy to build sugar from CO2 & H2O

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1 Uses solar energy to build sugar from CO2 & H2O
Photosynthesis Water & CO2 are inorganic – sugar is a high energy organic molecule. Photo – sun, Synthesis - build Uses solar energy to build sugar from CO2 & H2O

2 Carbon dioxide + Water  Glucose + Oxygen
Solar energy Carbon dioxide + Water  Glucose + Oxygen 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2 Overall equation – VERY IMPORTANT. Remember respiration continues all day. Photosynthesis occurs only during daylight. Chlorophyll

3 Granum (stack of thylakoids)
Chloroplast Outer Membrane Intermembrane space Extensively folded to increase surface area Inner Membrane Stroma lamellae Thylakoid membrane with chlorophyll Granum (stack of thylakoids) Stroma fluid with enzymes

4 + Pigments Pigments absorb solar energy
electrons in pigment become ‘excited’  high energy electron - + Green pigment chlorophyll reflects green light – absorbs blue and red

5 H2O CO2 Chlorophyll in Calvin Cycle Thylakoid Carbon fixation membrane
Light-dependent Phase Light-independent Phase H2O CO2 NADP+ Chlorophyll in Thylakoid membrane ADP + Pi Calvin Cycle Carbon fixation Stroma ATP NADPH2 Glucose O2 from water

6 More chloroplasts in the upper palisade cells, mostly around the edges of the cells

7 MENU Quick Quiz Key Words Videos Stages of photosynthesis Recap
Application questions Quick Quiz Key Words Videos Stages of photosynthesis Recap Exercises MCQ Extension

8 Key words photosynthesis plant chloroplast autotrophic chlorophyll
Back to menu photosynthesis plant chloroplast autotrophic chlorophyll pigment

9 QUICK QUIZ Back to menu Answers Modified True/False If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the sentence or statement true. 1.  ADP is one of the principal chemical compounds that living things use to store energy 2. If you grind up the chloroplasts found in spinach leaves into a liquid solution, the solution will have a green color. 3. The light-dependent reactions supply the Calvin cycle with CO2 and ATP. One word answers 4. Photosynthesis requires light, water, CO2, and ____  5. The electrons that chlorophyll loses to the electron transport chain are replenished by _____ molecules 6. In many plants, the rate of photosynthesis ____ when the weather becomes very cold

10 QUICK QUIZ Back to menu 1.  F - ATP is one of the principal chemical compounds that living things use to store energy 2. T - If you grind up the chloroplasts found in spinach leaves into a liquid solution, the solution will have a green color. 3. F - The light-dependent reactions supply the Calvin cycle with NADPH2 and ATP. One word answers 4. Photosynthesis requires light, water, CO2, and chlorophyll   5. The electrons that chlorophyll loses to the electron transport chain are replenished by water molecules 6. In many plants, the rate of photosynthesis slows down when the weather becomes very cold (because enzymes become less active)

11 Application Back to menu A student prepared two beakers with identical sprigs of a water plant as shown below. She placed one beaker in the shade and the other beaker beside a fluorescent lamp. She then systematically changed the distance of the beaker from the lamp. She counted the bubbles given off by each sprig of the water plant. 1. If she later tested the air bubbles collected in the test tube, what would she find they are made of? How do you know?   2. What do the student’s data show?   If the lamp were placed closer than 5cm from the water plant, would the plant give off many more bubbles? Why or why not?

12 Application Answer Back to menu If she later tested the air bubbles collected in the test tube, what would she find they are made of? How do you know? Oxygen – given off by photosynthesis 2. What do the student’s data show?   As the light is moved further away, the rate of photosynthesis decreases. If the lamp were placed closer than 5cm from the water plant, would the plant give off many more bubbles? Why or why not? If the light was too close the plant might get too hot and the enzymes would become denatured.

13 Revision question Back to menu 1. What are the products of the light-dependent reactions? 2. What are the products of the Calvin cycle? 3. What chemical is converted to sugar?

14 Revision question Back to menu What are the products of the light-dependent reactions? ATP, oxygen and NADPH   2. What are the products of the Calvin cycle? sugars, NADP, ADP 3. What chemical is converted to sugar? CO2 and H2O

15 Exercise Workbook pp73-7 Pathfinder pp49-50 q 1, 2, 6 Extra READING
Back to menu Workbook pp73-7 Pathfinder pp q 1, 2, 6 Extra READING Pathfinder p50, Excellence in Biology

16 Videos
Back to menu

17 √ Question 1 a. adenine b. ribose c. chlorophyll d. phosphate
Back to menu 27 Which of the following is NOT a part of an ATP molecule? a. adenine b. ribose c. chlorophyll d. phosphate

18 √ Question 2 Energy is released from ATP when
Back to menu 27 Energy is released from ATP when a. a phosphate group is formed b. adenine bonds to ribose c. ATP is exposed to sunlight d. a phosphate group is removed

19 Question 3 Back to menu 27 Different plants are placed under a bell jar with a burning candle. The candle remains lighted for different periods of time. What would be a logical conclusion from these experiments? a. different plants require different amounts of water b. different plants require different amounts of oxygen c. different plants require different amounts of carbon dioxide d. different plants require different amounts of light

20 Question 4 Back to menu 27 Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into a. oxygen and high energy sugars b. high energy sugars c. ATP and oxygen d. oxygen

21 Question 5 Back to menu 27 Which of the following are used in the overall reactions for photosynthesis? a. carbon dioxide b. water c. light d. all of the above

22 √ Question 6 All of the following are parts of an ADP molecule EXCEPT
Back to menu 27 All of the following are parts of an ADP molecule EXCEPT a. structure D b. structure C c. structure B d. structure A

23 Question 7 Back to menu 27 In the overall equation for photosynthesis, six molecules of carbon dioxide result in six molecules of a. glucose b. oxygen c. water d. ATP

24 Question 8 Back to menu 27 Plants gather the sun’s energy with light-absorbing molecules called a. pigments b. thylakoids c. glucose d. chloroplasts

25 √ Question 9 The stroma is the space that surrounds a. plant cells
Back to menu 27 The stroma is the space that surrounds a. plant cells b. chloroplasts c. thylakoids d. all of the above 

26 √ Question 10 Where do the light-dependent reactions take place?
Back to menu 27 Where do the light-dependent reactions take place? a. in the stroma b. in the thylakoid membranes c. outside the chloroplasts d. only in chlorophyll molecules

27 √ Question 11 The Calvin cycle takes place in the
Back to menu 27 The Calvin cycle takes place in the a. chlorophyll molecules b. photosystems c. thylakoid membranes d. stroma

28 Question 12 Back to menu 27 How does the Calvin cycle differ from the light-dependent reactions? a. It requires light b. It takes place in chloroplasts. c. It takes place in the stroma. d. It takes place in the thylakoid

29 Question 13 Back to menu 27 Which of the graphs represents the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis?

30 Question 14 Back to menu 27 If carbon dioxide is removed from a plant’s environment, what would you expect to happen to the plant’s production of high-energy sugars? a. More sugars will be produced. b. Fewer sugars will be produced. c. The same number of sugars will be produced but without carbon dioxide. d. Carbon dioxide does not affect the production of high-energy sugars in plants.

31 Back to menu 31 Correct

32 Back to menu 32 Incorrect

33 Light Dependent Reaction
Back to menu Find definitions for the following terms: Photoionisation, photophosphorylation & photolysis. Where do these processes take place? What is the difference between cyclic & non-cyclic phosphorylation. EXTENSION

34 Carotenoids EXTENSION Yellow – orange Transfer energy to chlorophyll.
Back to menu Yellow – orange Transfer energy to chlorophyll. Often not reabsorbed during autumn EXTENSION

35 Back to menu EXTENSION Both mitochondria & chloroplasts contain DNA & may have arisen from endosymbiosis

36 Solar energy oxygen as a waste product Inorganic molecules organic molecule with chemical potential energy

37 Chlorophyll Absorbs all wavelengths except green
Reflects green light  appears green Reabsorbed before leaves fall

38 Photolysis - light dependant stage
Back to menu Chlorophyll in grana NADP Splits water oxygen hydrogen by-product NADPH2 Energy  light-independent phase ADP + Pi ATP

39 Electron Transfer Electrons excited by solar energy
Transferred down a chain of receptors Release energy with each transfer ADP  ATP energy in ATP used to make sugars

40 Electron Transfer Chain
2 electron passed along from carrier to carrier 4 electron passed to NADPH NADPH ATP 1 electron excited by solar energy photon ATP ATP 3 electron excited by solar energy photon e- Electron Transfer Chain

41 from light-dependent phase
Carbon fixation - light independent stage from air CO2 4 3 5 6 1 2 4 3 1 5 6 2 H2 NADPH2 Calvin Cycle (carbon fixation) In the stroma from light-dependent phase Light-independent stage - light not required (used to be called dark phase, but it doesn’t only occur in the dark) CH2O C6H12O6 Energy ATP 6 cycles needed to make C6H12O6

42 Photosynthesis & Respiration in plants

43 Draw an overview of photosynthesis
Back to menu Draw an overview of photosynthesis Work through NCEA questions Summarise the factors needed Pair up and teach each other Highlight key ideas in the workbook

44 Back to menu THE END

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