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Presentation on theme: "Calendar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calendar

2 This is a calendar. It tells about the days, weeks, and months of the year.

3 One time around is one day.
What is a day? The earth spins. One time around is one day.

4 What is a week? ? A week is ……. days. seven

5 What are the names of the 7 days?
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

6 Sunday is the ….. day of the week.
first Monday is the …… day of the week. second Tuesday is the …… day of the week. third Wednesday is the … day of the week. fourth Thursday is the …… day of the week. fifth Friday is the …… day of the week. sixth Saturday is the …… day of the week. seventh

7 What day is it today? Today is …….

8 What day was it yesterday?
Yesterday was …….

9 What day will it be tomorrow?
Tomorrow will be ……..

10 What day was it 2 days ago? It was ………..

11 What is a month? ? A month is about 30 days. 大约 da4 yue1

12 ? How many months are there in a year? 12
There are ….. months in a year.

13 What are the names of the months?
January July February August March September April October November May December June

14 January is the …… month of the year.
first February is the …… month of the year. second March is the … month of the year. third April is the …… month of the year. fourth May is the …… month of the year. fifth June is the …… month of the year. sixth

15 July is the …… month of the year.
seventh August is the … month of the year. eighth September is the … month of the year. ninth October is the …… month of the year. tenth November is the …… month of the year. eleventh December is the …… month of the year. twelfth

16 What is the first month of the year? ? The first month is …….. January

17 Some months have 30 days Some months have 31 days
April June September November Some months have 31 days January March May July August October December February has 28 (or 29) days

18 What month is it now? October This month is ……….

19 What was last month? Last month was ………. September

20 What will next month be? November Next month will be ……….

21 How many days are there in October? ? 31 There are … days in October.

22 ? How many days are there in September? 30
There are … days in September.

23 How many days are there in January? ? 30 There are … days in January.

24 What month comes after February?
March ……. comes after February.

25 What month comes after December?
January ……. comes after December.

26 What is a date? A date is: a month a day-of-month a year
The date today is October 22, 2008.

27 My birthday is October 14th.
The date of my birth is October 14, 1949

28 When is your birthday? My birthday is ………

29 There are some special dates.
Chinese New Year’s Day (Spring Festival) Christmas Day Mother’s Day New Year’s Day Children’s Day Teachers’ Day National Day

30 When is National Day? National Day is ……. October 1st.

31 When is New Year’s Day? New Year’s Day is …….. January 1st

32 When is Teachers’ Day? Teachers’ Day is …… September 10th

33 When is Chinese New Year’s Day? The date changes every year.
It is in January or February.

34 When is Children’s Day? Children’s Day is …… June 1st.

35 Mothers’ Day is the second
When is Mother’s Day? Mothers’ Day is the second Sunday in May

36 Christmas Day is …….. When is Christmas Day? December 25th.

37 How many hours are there in a day?
There are … hours in a day. 24

38 How many days are there in a week?
There are … days in a week. seven

39 How many days are there in a month?
There are about days in a month. 30

40 How many days are there in a year?
There are days in a year. 365

41 How many weeks are there in a month?
There are about weeks in a month. four

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