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Ozone Wind 3rd Quarter- 6th Grade Science Jeopardy- Test #1

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1 Ozone Wind 3rd Quarter- 6th Grade Science Jeopardy- Test #1
Atmospheric Composition Layers of the Atmosphere Ozone Water Cycle Wind 10 20 30 40 50

2 10 points Question: Which two gases are most abundant in Earth’s atmosphere? Answer: Nitrogen and Oxygen

3 Question: Identify three different gases in our atmosphere.
20 points Question: Identify three different gases in our atmosphere. Answer: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Argon, Methane, Ozone

4 30 points Question: What is the percentage of nitrogen and oxygen in our atmosphere? Answer: Nitrogen = 78% Oxygen = 21%

5 40 points Question: Compared to the size of planet Earth, how might you describe our atmosphere? Answer: The atmosphere is extremely thin, or small, compared to the Earth.

6 50 points Question: Identify the chemical formula for nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and methane. Answer: Nitrogen = N2 Oxygen = O2 Water Vapor = H20 Methane = CH4

7 10 points Question: What is the lowest layer of atmosphere where that supports life? Answer: Troposphere

8 20 points Question: Identify the layers of atmosphere in the order of decreasing altitude. Answer: exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere

9 Question: Which layer of atmosphere do we find meteors burning up.
30 points Question: Which layer of atmosphere do we find meteors burning up. Answer: Mesosphere

10 Answer: The troposphere is thinner than any other layer of atmosphere.
40 points Question: How does the thickness of the troposphere compare to the thickness of the other layers of atmosphere? Answer: The troposphere is thinner than any other layer of atmosphere.

11 50 points Question: How does temperature vary in each layer of the atmosphere as you increase altitude? Answer: It decreases with altitude in the troposphere and mesosphere, and increases with altitude in the stratosphere and thermosphere

12 Question: In what layer is the molecule ozone found?
10 points Question: In what layer is the molecule ozone found? Answer: Stratosphere

13 Answer: refrigerators, aerosol sprays, air conditioners
20 points Question: CFCs were used in a variety of appliances, and have been linked to the destruction of ozone. Identify three appliances which used to release CFCs? Answer: refrigerators, aerosol sprays, air conditioners

14 30 points Question: What type of radiation from the sun does the gas ozone block? Answer: Ultraviolet

15 40 points Question: What does CFC stand for?
Answer: Chlorofluorocarbons

16 50 points Question: The “hole” in the ozone layer tends to grow during what season and shrink during what season? Answer: Grow nearing the winter months, and shrinks during the summer months

17 10 points Question: When heat energy is added to the ocean, pond, or the ground, which step of the water cycle? Answer: Evaporation

18 Question: Identify the five steps of the water cycle.
20 points Question: Identify the five steps of the water cycle. Answer: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, run-off, and accumulation

19 30 points Question: Identify three types of precipitation
Answer: Rain, sleet, hail, snow

20 40 points Question: What property of the troposphere allows for the condensation of water vapor to form clouds? Answer: As water vapor rises higher in the troposphere, it gets colder because it gets colder as you rise higher in that layer of the atmosphere.

21 Answer: Ocean, ponds, groundwater, rivers, lakes, ice caps, glaciers
50 points Question: What are some places that water can accumulate into? Name at least three places. Answer: Ocean, ponds, groundwater, rivers, lakes, ice caps, glaciers

22 Question: What causes global and surface winds?
10 points Question: What causes global and surface winds? Answer: the Sun

23 Answer: High pressure to low pressure
20 points Question: Air always flows from areas of what pressure to what pressure? Answer: High pressure to low pressure

24 Question: What are the very large scale wind systems on Earth called?
30 points Question: What are the very large scale wind systems on Earth called? Answer: Global winds

25 Answer: The Earth’s rotation
40 points Question: The bending of the global winds as they flow is called the coriolis effect. What causes the global winds to not travel in a straight line? Answer: The Earth’s rotation

26 50 points Question: Contrast the density and temperature of the sea and land during sea breeze and land breeze. Answer: Land breeze is wind that comes from the land and sea breeze comes from the sea. The density of the air over the water is high

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