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Presentation on theme: "WP 2 FIELD ANALYSIS COMPARED REPORT AND RESULTS Riga, 12-13 January 2009."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objective of the analysis: to get information on what to adapt in the prototype courseware and how to do it to develop skills for planning transnational mobility interventions. First step of the process towards a new courseware

3 Information was collected through 19 interviews in 4 States: Greece, Italy, Latvia and United Kingdom Public bodies, enterprises, schools and training agencies were asked to precise their level of competence and the relevance referring to 13 areas and activities

4 Self assessment of organisational and management skills The project idea The partnershipInformation Procedures and criteria for the selection of participants Preparatory activities Training content Tutoring and monitoring activities

5 Methods for the validation of competencies The scheduling activities Evaluation procedures Dissemination strategy Budgeting

6 Each area was articulated in sub areas and distinctive activities. Interviewed people had to state their level of competence for each activity (High, Medium, Low) and the relevance they awarded each area (in a scale from 1- low to 5 – highest).

7 Some general remarks A kind of prudence in answering Probably most of the people involved in the analysis work in administrative roles No area is defined irrelevant The level of competence is frequently medium – high

8 Some general remarks Some areas need special attention: Methods for the validation of competence The project idea The partnership The selection of participants Specific attention on the differences between a Mobility project and the other Lifelong Learning Programme projects.

9 Greece 5 Interviews Anekty, Syros Lyceum; Ios Secondary School; Posidonia Training Centre; Polydynamo Social Intervention Centre. All bodies stated they have already experienced a mobillity project.

10 Greece Good level of competence in almost all the 13 areas. High awareness related to the importance of certain phases (i.e. preparatory activities, training content, budgeting). Support is needed for areas such as monitoring and tutoring, selection procedures, evaluation of activities.

11 Italy 5 Interviews ASFAI; Scientific Lyceum G. DAlessandro, Lower Secondary School Falcone – Borsellino, Professional Institute Lussu, Technical Institute G. Roth All bodies stated they have already experienced a mobility project (LdV, Youth, Comenius, Socrates).

12 Italy The stated level of competence is medium – high. Some areas are particularly strong: organisational skills, selection criteria, tutoring and monitoring. Support is needed in areas such as: project idea, partnership, validation of competences.

13 Latvia 5 Interviews Malpils Vocational Secondary School, MOES Vocational Education Administration, Bauska District Council, Language Training Centre, Adult Learning and Training opportunities. All bodies have mobility experience in LdV, Comenius, Lingua

14 Latvia Good level of competence for selection procedures, preparatory activities, organisational and management skills, tutoring and monitoring, budgeting and scheduling activities. Support is needed for validation of competence, project idea and evaluation.

15 United Kingdom 4 Interviews Nornir Ltd (enterprise), Western Training Services, Tony Hall South West Food & Drink Skills Network, Committment in Communities. Two of these bodies stated previous mobility experiences.

16 United Kingdom The average level of competence is good and so is the awarded relevance. Support is needed for selection procedures, organisational and management skills.

17 The field analysis gave us interesting information to update the prototype. Now let us move to the contents proposed for the test of WP4

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